wild sky sisters
wild sky sisters
Ancestral Astrology, Astrology for Beginner's and Natal Chart Readings

Year Ahead Readings

Get a Year Ahead Look at 2025

Want to learn more about the coming year’s Sky movements?
And what it means for you?

We have forecasts FOR YOUR RISING SIGN along with extensive workbooks for each month. You can add on two custom videos for your chart.

*Rising sign videos and workbooks available immediately.

*Custom Videos delivered by Jan 15, 2025.



MEET your Inner Astrologer

Introducing our THIRD ROUND!

Starting Spring Equinox 2025

We are thrilled to announce our third round of Luminescence: a program to meet your inner astrologer.

This is not only a course for Astrology, constant access to information and study options, but this is also to light up the path back home - to your heart.

In 2023 and 2024 we had our first and second round of beautiful mentees and now many of them are incorporating astrology into what they do and offering readings in the world!

2025 is full of fire and water. If you’re ready to incorporate astrology into your life in a committed and deep way, this is for you.


Our mission is love.

Our tool is astrology.

Get the Natal Chart Experience

A natal chart maps the planets in their journey around the Sun when you were born.

Our analysis is based on intuitive wisdom and ancestral guidance,
providing insights to help you remember who you are.


Cozy Cosmos Community

Budding astrologer or just interested in all of this insight from the Sky? Ready to find others who are also interested?

Monthly outlook + ongoing chat in our app.
