AUDIO Natal Chart Experience

AUDIO Natal Chart Experience


A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky when you were born.

Through this report and two audio recordings, you’ll see the houses, signs and planet placements on the day you were born and how that impacts your life.

The report and readings cover:

  • Your moon, sun and rising sign (and affirmations for all three)

  • The elemental make-up of your chart (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and how that impacts you

  • The modalities in your chart (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)

  • The Moon Phase you were born under

The recordings include both sisters reading your chart, along with a short meditation and a tarot card pulled for you.

Also included is our BONUS Co-Creating with the Planets document you can create rituals to support the cosmic forces on a daily basis.

For a friend? Please let us know their name behind yours in the sign up form and enter their birth data.

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You will be prompted upon checkout to fill out your Birth Date, Location and Time. We need your birth time for an accurate reading.