LIVE Natal Chart Reading with BOTH Sisters

LIVE Natal Chart Reading with BOTH Sisters


This is a special one - as you’ll get TWO ASTROLOGERS in one live call.

A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky when you were born. Through this live call, you’ll gain a solid understanding of where each planet was when you were born, which house they live in and what that means for you.

You’ll also understand how the sun, moon and other planets impact your chart and be able to create rituals of intention to support the planets and begin a process of co-creation.

You’ll receive your chart with a personalized PDF guide and a LIVE call request email from Ang & Tamara shortly.

We will send you call meeting dates upon sign-up to book the call.

***We are currently booking live clients approximately 2 - 4 weeks out.***

Please make sure to add to your contacts to ensure we miss the junk folder.

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You will be prompted upon checkout to fill out your Birth Date, Location and Time. We need your birth time for an accurate reading.