Coasters & Bookmarks handmade by our Momma!

We launched our business on our maternal grandmother’s birthday. She has been gone for over 17 years, but we feel her with us everyday. Our mom surprised us with getting really interested and she started handmaking Zodiac needlepoint coasters and bookmarks!

We launched her products on our grandfather’s birthday.

We believe this business is healing something far bigger and more magical in our lineage than we can even know. With this, our dharma continues to unfold. ✨🌙


NOW AVAILABLE: Handmade Needlepoint Zodiac Soul Signs

Our ancestors: Grandpa Lawrence, Great Grandma Hilda, Grandma Irene (paternal), Dad & Mom, Grandma Tena, Grandpa Peter (maternal)

Our ancestors: Grandpa Lawrence, Great Grandma Hilda, Grandma Irene (paternal), Dad & Mom, Grandma Tena, Grandpa Peter (maternal)